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Writer's picturetrueoceanside

Easter is more than just a day

Hello friends and family!

I hope this finds you all doing well and feeling energized by the power of the Resurrection! As we continue to celebrate the Easter season, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the importance of the next 50 days and how we can make the most of this special time.

You see, Easter isn't just a one-day event – it's a season that lasts for 50 days,

All the way up to the Feast of Pentecost. And during this time, we have an incredible opportunity to deepen our faith, grow in our relationship with God, and experience the ongoing presence of the risen Christ in our lives.

One of the things that I love about the Easter season is that it's a time of joy and celebration. It's a reminder that death has been defeated, sin has been conquered, and we have been set free to live a new and abundant life in Christ. And as we celebrate this victory, we're invited to share in the joy of the risen Christ and to spread that joy to others.

But the Easter season isn't just about celebration – it's also a time for reflection and spiritual growth. It's a time to ask ourselves: What does it mean to be a resurrection people?

How can we live out the hope and joy of the Easter message in our daily lives?

And how can we be faithful disciples who bear witness to the transformative power of the Gospel?

One of the best ways to deepen our faith during this season is through leaning into spiritual practices that help us connect with God and nourish our souls. Whether it's prayer, Scripture reading, worship, or acts of service, these practices can help us experience the ongoing presence of Christ in our lives and empower us to live as resurrection people in the world.

So my challenge to you, Church family, is to make the most of these next 50 days. Let's celebrate the victory of the Resurrection, deepen our faith through spiritual practices, and share the joy of the Easter message with those around us. Let us do this as a community of faith and break the bondage of being alone. Let's continue our story of faith and be the light that shines in the darkness. I'm so grateful for each and every one of you, and I can't wait to see how God will use us to make a difference in the world during this Easter season and beyond.


Pastor Mike


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