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Sunday March 31st
8:00//9:30// 11:00

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Oceanside's  Easter Picnic is a unique Easter experience for the whole families to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus! During the Easter family picnic, we will sing songs, play fun games, laugh until your sides hurt, and hear the Easter story told in a way that engages every age and stage. We truly cannot wait to experience Easter with you - it’s a party big enough for the whole family!


When: Easter Family Picnic is on March 23rd at 11 am. This is a family fun event with kid and parent participation. it will be a blast.

Where: Right here at Oceanside First Presbyterian Church and Preschool in the Sanctuary. Early arivers get early spots  for photos with the Easter bunny.

How: Click this link and get registered for a great event to help your kids celebrate Easter in a fun and creative way.

What To Expect: Families should attend the Family Picnic with their kiddos and friends just remember to bring your own picnic lunch and  dessert will be provided!!  We encourage you to make this a great experience together… There are games, music, bounce slide and fun surprises. To help you prepare for Easter Family Picnic, click the link and get registered today!


And of course... more Candy + Prizes than your kids can handle!


Easter Church services start on March 31st 8:00/9:30 and 11:00am


Your kids are going to thank you after you bring them to Oceanside First Presbyterian Church! 


Come out to Oceanside First Presbyterian Church on March 31st for a fun, safe day of family fun and real faith.


This event is 100% FREE and open to the public!

Come and experience the joy and promise of new life at our Easter Celebration Services.  We believe we have the Best Easter service near you for your family. The message will be meaningful, the music will be moving and there will be plenty of Easter Family moments to share.

       8:00 am is our outdoor "Garden Easter Service".

Join us for a relaxed, informal and indoor/outdoor cafe setting. We will be singing and sharing the joy of Easter. A light breakfast will be served as we celebrate our saviors victory.

       9:30/11:00 am Family Easter Celebrations.
Big Music, Big Choir, Big Hats!  Bring your family to share in the celebration of our Risen Savior. Add your voice to the shouts of  "He is Risen, He is Risen indeed". Hear the Easter Bells ring as we carry the good news to the rest of the world. It is a good time for the whole family including photo booths, flowering the cross, coffee and donuts!  


      Our services are also live streamed on Facebook, & Youtube.

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North County
Hymn Festival

The combined choirs of Vista United Methodist and Oceanside First Presbyterian Church, accompanied by brass, strings, and organ.

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Pub Theology

Join us at Pub Theology, a unique gathering where faith meets dialogue  in a relaxed, inviting atmosphere. Engage in meaningful discussions,  share perspectives, and connect with others over thought-provoking  topics.

A PCUSA Congregation
2001 S. El Camino Real, Oceanside, Ca 92054 (760) 757-3560

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